"Some say they only go one way"
Nowadays surfboard design has come a long way. Boards are available in all shapes and sizes, and there's pretty much a surfboard for every type of wave. Everyone has a different opinion about what they like and what works for them. The most interesting part is that the surfboard industry has grown so much that there are surfboards for all levels of the sport, from soft tops targeted to beginners to the other side of the scope with new revolutions like the foil boards that pretty much ride any kind of swell, even the ones that don't break. But one thing is for certain, the alternative surfboards bring a whole new perspective to wave riding. From finless aquadynamics to the asymmetrical design, surfing’s menu has expanded into wave-riding vehicles.
At this point in my relationship with this lifestyle, I love experimenting with evolving designs. My favorites include twin fins, asyms, and composite boards. I have been intrigued to find a more environmentally-friendly board that does not lose performance. Dabbling with a few new concepts and fabrications, I have grown to favor the future flex fabrication initially brought to life by Hayden Cox. For its durability and performance, it has proven to be a good option and has become the ultimate board to always have within reach. I personally use a 5'9 Album Reboot that is going on its 2nd year with many memorable waves under its belt and a favorite in the quiver.
In light of the Asymmetrical movement I have started to call it the fountain of youth. These boards are fast, responsive, and give you an interesting alternative to rail surfing. Some think they only go one way but I beg to differ. Once you get on one you will look at waves with totally fresh perspective.
I have been fortunate to work with Matt Parker from ALBUM surfboards, and together we have come up with some design concepts that work for all sorts of conditions from solid days to the everyday surf session. We have also been experimenting with boards that turn a crappy day into a fun day of surfing.
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